Update: November 7, 2024. Trump and Vance win! The Senate is Red! The House is Red! What a great day for democracy! All Republicans won in this election! However, the threats to democracy are real and ever present, especially in Illinois with its Democrat-heavy, lopsided representation in state government. Despite the Democrats’ effort to three times try to kick this candidate off the ballot, we prevailed and scored a win for voters with a choice of candidates. Sadly, as part of the process for kicking fourteen candidates off the ballot, including this candidate, the Governor signed a misleadingly titled bill which he hadn’t read and with no opportunity for public notice or comment. Illinois courts found the law to be unconstitutional, and ethical concerns arise under the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct for lawyers. To read about this story, click here. For this election, the electorate in this district voted with a 65.2 % turnout, a disappointment since past general elections were almost 10% higher.  So, thanks to all the voters that did vote. With the seismic swing in national politics there is hope here in Illinois. So, get involved, run for office, be an election judge, make the coffee at the next Republican township meeting, ask where you can help and follow through, and make sure you vote. Not just the top, but the WHOLE ballot.

Illinois State Capital Building, Springfield

Ronald E. Andermann


State Rep., District No. 53

(Des Plaines, Mount Prospect, Arlington Heights, Rolling Meadows, Palatine)

Guided by Faith, Family, Freedom


Stop Threats to Democracy—Repeal unethical election laws that eliminate candidates and voter choice.

Sanctuary State leads to Pauper State—Support legal immigration of educated, vaccinated, and self-sufficient migrants.

Reverse Economic Decline—Illinois continues to lose thriving business and population despite being rich in valuable business resources.

Freedom in Education—Sound education is the antidote to poverty.  Parents have rights as to where and how their children are educated.


center square

Video. Democrats’ law blocking candidates from ballot remains unconstitutional, The Center Square


Previous Updates

Update: October 30, 2024. Last week early voting started and the message was VOTE!!! The number of ballots cast so far has been impressive. This is a good thing, but we cannot stop there. Make sure everyone around you votes! We need a “too big to rig” mentality to win this election. Let’s get a voter turnout of 75%, 80%, or 85%. We must stop the Democrat’s threat to democracy, because during this election cycle the Democrats trampled voter rights by unconstitutionally changing a two-hundred-year-old election law. The Governor’s ethical conduct in this matter was questionably in violation of the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct for Illinois lawyers. As an Illinois lawyer, I fulfilled my affirmative duty under the ethics rules and reported the misconduct. Click here to learn more.

Update: October 23, 2024. The time has come. VOTE!!! Early voting expanded this week with local polling places opening. Reported voter turnout is high, a good thing. The races will be close so vote early and “bank” your vote. Now is the chance to have a voice in Springfield. The Democrat’s threat to democracy in Illinois is real as expressed in my spoken statement at a recent voter’s forum which follows.

“I entered this election to give voters a choice. Soon after I entered, Springfield went into election interference mode. They trampled voters rights by unconstitutionally changing a two-hundred-year-old election law as if thieves in the night to eliminate voter choices. They asked no public comment from the voters and attempted to remove fourteen candidates from the ballot including this candidate. I call this Springfield’s own Project 2024. Springfield’s actions were truly a threat to democracy. After unconstitutionally changing election law, Springfield lost in district court, appealed to the Illinois Supreme Court and did not win, yet opposed this candidate once more. In the end the voters won, and I am here to change Illinois for the better.”

Update: October 16, 2024. Last week’s voter forum is available on-line. To summarize from my closing statement:

"I believe in the United States of America, a republic of fifty states. I believe in the founding documents, and I am not “burdened by what has been.” The State of Illinois is dear to me. One of fifty laboratories of democracy, as described by one US supreme court justice. One of fifty workshops that is falling behind.

• Poorly ranked behind other states in growth of GDP, jobs, and wages.
• Never ending murder rate in our biggest city.
• A tax burden and cost of living that make Illinois unlivable for many of our most promising young adult family members and friends.
• Educational outcomes such as 11th grade math proficiency at 26.7% that is nothing less than child abuse.

All while Springfield moves with heightened ambition to control and limit choices. All while forgetting that our fellow citizens ultimate exercise of choice is leaving the state. I am here to help put choice back in the hands of the citizens of Illinois and end the obvious decline of the state.

Thank you for your vote and I look forward to representing you in Springfield."

And looking forward to next week, come join an October 22 presentation on an Illinois perspective on climate change.

Update: October 9, 2024. Several important campaign events occurred this past week that included both candidates for State Representative in District No. 53. One event was a joint interview by a local newspaper, and the other event was the League of Women Voters Forum. Both events should be available on-line soon. The discussions went well and focused on the increased cost of living that has caused neighbors and our most productive young people to choose to leave the state. All while Springfield further wants to restrict choice in school, life choices in reproduction, vehicles, and dear to me candidates willing to run for office. Competitive elections raise voter participation despite Springfield’s efforts to control candidate choice. The time has come. Make your choice and VOTE!  

Update:  October 2, 2024.  Illinois is part of the republic of the United States of America that is made up of fifty states or as one US Supreme Court judge characterized them, fifty laboratories of democracy, like fifty separate workshops.  How these workshops compare to each other reflect a state’s health.  Economically, Illinois is in decline.  As the cost of living and declining opportunity forces businesses and people, especially our most productive young families, to leave Illinois, other states prove to be better places to live.  Illinois’ report card in terms of GDP, jobs, wages, and especially education is grim.  As your friends and family leave Illinois, are you next? 

Update: September 26, 2024. Licensed Professional Engineers in Illinois are required to be current and must take continuing education courses that include technical and environmental issues such as the details of the UN climate report. Courses I have attended for decades as a Professional Engineer offer insights into the economic, infrastructure, and environmental concerns of electric vehicle deployment. For example, batteries make electric vehicles thousands of pounds heavier. Increased vehicle weight provides a building collapse risk in aging parking garages. Limiting drivers’ choice of vehicles by mandated poorly thought-out uneconomical and environmentally questionable electric vehicles is yet another reason why Democrats are wrong for Illinois.  See structural engineers' concerns below.

Infrastructure problem.  Extra thousands of pounds EV weight (EV pick-up trucks extra tons) and old parking garages worry structural engineers.


2023 New York City parking garage collapse; From Wikipedia

Update: September 17, 2024. Yesterday, Monday, Sept. 16, I joined the Cook County GOP Unity press conference in Chicago. Illinois GOP Chair Kathy Salvi led the group of Republican candidates. The contingent stressed their unity against bad Democrat policies that increase the cost of living and limit freedom of choice in education, elections, and the economy. A local Chicago suburban newspaper reported, “Salvi introduced a slew of candidates for state and local offices.” The newspaper even included a picture of me at the back of the group led by Salvi. During the conference, I was especially noted for the fight against the Illinois Democrat Project 2024, the attempt to kick 14 candidates from the ballot and limit voter choice. Even though I am running for office in the villages and towns where the newspaper's readers reside there was no interest evident from the reporter about this candidate. I guess the newspaper doesn’t like reporting on just a “slew of candidates.” Or maybe I did not fit their reader demographic, however, few that may be. Other media representatives were more receptive, and I had some great media interaction. And generally, media coverage of my campaign is strong. So strong, that Illinois Democrat Project 2024, the selection versus election scheme and the limiting of voter choice, is getting great coverage that extends beyond the local area all the way to Colorado and Oklahoma to the west and Washington, D.C. to the east. To find out more about Illinois Democrat's threat to democracy click here.

Finally, next week as a public service I will be presenting an educational overview of the UN climate science technical report titled The Physical Science Basis. For more information, click here.

Update: September 11, 2024. This week’s update begins with a solemn remembrance of the heroes and victims of the 9/11 attacks on the United States. Like most Americans, I remember where I was that day. As an aviator the boldness of the attack is striking. Legal immigrants trained in flight schools, similar to those I attended, all to become a suicidal threat to democracy. Today Democrats embrace millions of unvetted “boarder encounters.” All while in Illinois, Democrats pursue their own "Project 2024" threat to democracy to eliminate voter choice, to eliminate school choice, and to go so far as to limit choice in vehicles. So, on this day I also honor high school classmates who gave their lives in Vietnam for democracy. I also honor acquaintances and family whose call of duty included service to Illinois and the United States of America to preserve democracy and freedoms as basic as a choice of candidates which Illinois’ Democrats “Project 2024” is trying to eliminate.

Update: September 5, 2024. Last week the VOTERS WON!!! For 116 long days the Democratic party fought to keep this candidate off the ballot. The full force of the Democrat’s efforts to destroy voter choice was at work. In the continuation of the Democrat’s own “Project 2024”, their lead prosecutor tried a third and final time to specifically keep this candidate alone off the ballot. To read the full story of how voters won last week, click here. Honestly, through a long and costly court battle to the Illinois Supreme Court and beyond the campaign needs your support. NOW! Opportunities to support our campaign are many and can be found in the DONATE tab from the Menu.

Update:  August 27, 2024.  The DNC in Chicago ended, but the Democrat threat to democracy continues.  The Democrat’s own “Project 2024”, the unpublished manifesto of no election but instead party boss selection, is in full gear, nationally and locally.  The “slated” vice-president is now the SELECTED presidential candidate without running in a primary.  In Illinois, selected and not elected Democrat candidates have been anointed and put in place by party bosses. All of this while fourteen Republican candidates were put on hold by the Democrat’s unconstitutional legislation to eliminate voter choices.  Finally, after over a month delay, the Illinois Supreme Court decided, sort of.  A kind of decision by not deciding because a majority of judges couldn’t decide. And sadly for Illinois voters it has not ended there.  In an almost lawfare mentality Democrats continue to oppose voter choice.  Stay tuned. Listen to Ron speak out at the DNC about Democrat threats to democracy in an interview with Greg Bishop of The Center Square.  To learn more about the Democrat’s election interference case, just decided by the Illinois Supreme Court, click here.

Update:  August 19, 2024.  The Democratic National Convention in Illinois kicks off with a new presidential candidate “slated” within days and having never run in the primary election.  And at the same time in Illinois the threat to democracy continues as Democrats abuse legislative power and the courts to try to eliminate a similar process for Republican candidates.   With disregard for due process in the legislature, Democrats changed election law in May to unconstitutionally limit voter choice.  As a further insult to Illinois voters, Illinois “Democratic defenders of the law have all rushed to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for President -  even though Harris has been selected by party insiders and has never faced voters in a presidential primary election.” Are Illinois voters willing to stand up against this hypocrisy? The new Democratic presidential candidate was on the ballot in days while in Illinois Democrat led efforts have purposely delayed the candidacy of multiple Republican candidates for over a month.  To learn more about the Democrat’s election interference case now before the Illinois Supreme Court, click here.

Update:  August 8, 2024.  Filings to Illinois Supreme Court in the election interference legislation case (learn more, click here) were complete on July 8.  It has now been one month, and we wait.  The threat to democracy began May 3 with an unconstitutional law.  Since that date there has been a cloud of uncertainty.  Undeterred by this attempt to limit voter choice, candidate filings were completed in early June followed by robust voter interaction at four local Independence Day parades, and numerous local events, including but not limited to National Night Outs, and exceptional press coverage. Interest in our message and campaign continues to grow despite the ongoing threat to democracy.

Update:  July 30, 2024.  The ongoing Democratic threat to democracy, which unconstitutionally denies voting rights and ballot access, hangs in the balance at the Illinois Supreme Court.  The case remains on the court’s "rocket docket" and the last submission to the court was 21 days ago (learn more, click here).  While the court deliberates, the election clock ticks and Democrats statewide and nationally use selection instead of election.  Locally, the Democrat party freely selected and appointed unelected persons into elected office.  And on the national level the Democrats ignored tens of millions of primary voters, and as noted in the Wall Street Journal, a new Democratic presidential candidate was merely selected instead of elected. Please check back for updates.    

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