Threats to Democracy

Election interference by Illinois Democrats


An open letter (click here) from Ron Andermann, Candidate for State Representative in District No. 53, concerning the case before the Illinois Supreme Court.

The open letter has been pick up by media outlets and posted as follows: 

'Ethics bill?' Or a threat to democracy in Illinois?   click, Cook County Record, and

Commentary:  click, Wirepoints.  


  • Ethics complaint filed vs Pritzker over unconstitutional 'election interference' 'anti-slating' law

November 1; Sadly, the process for kicking fourteen candidates off the ballot, including me, was so onerous the ethics concerns arise under Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct for lawyers. Read about this story, Cook County Record.

  • Misconduct report submitted

October 30;  The Governor’s ethical conduct in this matter was questionably under the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct for lawyers. As an Illinois lawyer, I fulfilled my affirmative duty under the ethics rules and reported the questionable conduct. Click here for the report to Illinois' Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission. 

  • Democrats can't persuade Cook County elections board to ignore Springfield judge, kick Republican from ballot

August 27; Illinois Democratic Project 2024, the unpublished manifesto of no election but instead party boss selection, through Democrat top prosecutor took yet another, third, pass at kicking this candidate off the ballot. But today the voters won, Cook County Record.

  • IL Dems can't overturn court order stopping them from using ballot access law to block GOPers from running in Nov.

 August 23;  Illinois Supreme Court decides, sort of.  Sangamon County Court decision stands, as judge majority could not agree, click Cook County Record.

  • Pritzker administration admits to unethical dirty tricks to limit voter choice

June 14; Speaker Welch asks IL high court to toss ruling barring Dems from blocking many GOP candidates from fall ballot, click Cook County Record.

  • Pritzker administration recklessly fuels voter distrust

June 7; “Judge offers Illinois Democrats a lesson on political integrity; they should take it,” Our View, Daily Herald Editorial

  • Historic election law changed unethically in hours by Pritzker administration

June 4; Ruling on Illinois candidate slating prohibition could come this week, click Washington Examiner.

  • Pritzker administration tries to keep Democratic incumbents unopposed

June 1; More GOP candidates join court case vs IL Dems over 'candidate slating' ballot blocking law, click Cook County Record.

  • Pritzker administration henchmen clandestinely eliminate voter choices

May 1; Democrats muscle through changes to ballot access, advisory questions, click Capitol News Illinois.


Follow the election interference case at the Illinois Supreme Court, click "rocket docket."





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